
An anarchist-communist publication by Black Flag Sydney.
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  • On Kanaky-New Caledonia

    On Kanaky-New Caledonia

    Preamble and translation of ‘Kanaky: the time of the colonies is over!’ by the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) In May of this year, large-scale unrest broke out in the French Melanesian territory of Kanaky, more commonly known as New Caledonia. Large sectors of the Indigenous Kanak population protested against a proposal for a new voting…

  • “Build a society based on workers’ councils”

    “Build a society based on workers’ councils”

    Guest author Tim Briedis, host of the People’s History of Australia, writes on the Self Management Group (1971–77) Out of the wave of global radicalism in the Sixties and Seventies came the libertarian socialist Self Management Group (SMG). Based in Brisbane/Meanjin, SMG’s size and level of organisation was unique. It had a ‘two-tier’ structure with…

  • The Black Lives Matter demand for abolition

    The Black Lives Matter demand for abolition

    And why we should fight to keep it alive In 2020, during the height of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, the streets of Sydney were flooded with over fifty-thousand protesters, consistently calling for the cops to be disarmed, defunded, and dismantled. Support for the explicit abolition of the police and the wider carceral system…

  • Mutiny #13 Winter Edition 2024

    Mutiny #13 Winter Edition 2024

  • Interview: Nurses on strike again

    Interview: Nurses on strike again

    Our chat with an anonymous NSWNMA delegate 1: On the 23rd of July the NSWNMA rallied for a 15% payrise, how successful was this action? The stopwork in July was more an opener for the campaign than a particularly disruptive action, an escalation from the own time walkouts the month prior. It’s important to understand…

  • Housing: their crisis and ours

    Housing: their crisis and ours

    Finding a working-class way out The severity of the housing crisis over the past two decades has led to an existential shift among Australians. The prospect of an average Australian worker owning their own detached home in a suburb has become so remote that young people have simply given up on it. Gentrification has crept…

  • Why Anarchism Needs Feminism, and Feminism Needs Anarchism

    Why Anarchism Needs Feminism, and Feminism Needs Anarchism

    Lessons from the struggle against gendered oppression We are anarchists who seek to fight sexism within society, our unions, and movements. So, our feminist organising should be anarchist, and our anarchist organising, feminist. This article addresses three questions arising in response to this goal. First, what common ground does anarcho-feminism share with other strands of…

  • Fighting Cumberland Council’s queerphobic book bans

    Fighting Cumberland Council’s queerphobic book bans

    On the 1st of May Cumberland City Council voted to “take immediate action to rid same sex parents books/materials in Council’s library service”. This clearly queerphobic motion by the far right councillor Steve Christou comes off the back of the council also banning drag storytime earlier in the year. This clear shift towards open bigotry…

  • If we don’t fight, we lose.

    If we don’t fight, we lose.

    May Day 2024 Mutiny Special Edition – Editorial It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that things are fucked for working class people. The out of control housing crisis has depreciated our wages on a massive level. Combined with increases in the cost of food and fuel, our wages have been plummeting. As per…