About Mutiny

Mutiny is a monthly, worker run newsletter published by Black Flag Sydney. The primary purpose of this newsletter is to encourage the growth of social and political movements against exploitation and oppression by providing anarcho-communist perspectives and analysis on contemporary political events in Sydney. This is guided by our belief that it’s only the working class itself – its organisation and power – that can fundamentally change society, and topple the domination of the rich and government officials that working class people have faced for hundreds of years.

We encourage you to share the ideas and words in this paper, and continue to build struggle wherever you are.

About Black Flag Sydney

Black Flag Sydney is an autonomous collective of anarchist workers who organise mainly on unceded Gadigal land.

Our ultimate goal is to build a society free of states, classes, currency, in order to achieve collective self-emancipation and universal freedom for all. The means we use to build this society will determine what it looks like, so we believe this world will not be built through ‘state socialism’, where an organised minority seizes power of the state to implement ‘pro-worker’ reforms, or a parliamentary road, where a political party attempts to win control of the state through elections. Instead, it will require a social revolution using the united power of the working class in the form of the general strike – organised by and for workers. This is because liberation for all cannot be won through the actions of a few. Therefore we must build the seeds of a better society today, by building rank-and-file power in our unions, by building social movements which take power away from the rich and put it in the hands of working people, so that we may one day have the social and political organisation required to topple the state and capitalism.

Under capitalism, workers do not have power over the means of production and are alienated from themselves, the products of their labour, the people around them and the environment. Our places of work are owned and organised by a ruling class of managers who are given special privileges above ordinary workers in order to enforce class rule, prevent workplace democracy, and extract as much labour power as cheaply as possible from workers. Workers are paid a wage beneath the value of the work they do, which allows bosses and managers to extract surplus value from their labour and hence accumulate profits. We will not be free until we can collectively decide what is produced, how it’s produced, and our conditions of work.

Direct action is our method, a revolution following the general strike is our goal, and self-management is our vision for today and the future. We aim not only to dismantle systems of capitalist exploitation, but to build the capacity for people to freely and truly self-manage their workplaces, communities, and lives.

We can be reached at contact@blackflagsydney.com.

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