Old lady doing crossword

Crossword Corner

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1 This man helped found Russian Marxism both with his political writings, and with the money he made selling a fermented yoghurt drink to health-conscious Swiss people

2 The ____ wars were fought in the late 70s and 80s between rival groups of feminists

3 These workers in Spain, employed as miners, led an attempted revolution in 1934

4 The first notable act of this Spanish anarcho-syndicalist was to assassinate the Bishop of Zaragoza

5 Scammers from this country swindled multiple Trotskyist internationals out of money in the early 2000s by pretending to be dozens of different leftist groups at once

6 The German anarcho-syndicalist Rudolf Rocker was described as an anarchist version of this by his supporters 

7 This prominent English syndicalist and anarchist attendee of the second Comintern conference later became a right-wing union bureaucrat

12 This two-time secretary of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo served his terms while working at a lightbulb factory

13 This prominent Socialist Alternative leader believes that the age of consent is a bourgeois trap and that teachers should be allowed to have sex with their students 

17 The initial acronym of the once-leading American Maoist organisation, which is now a personality cult around an uninteresting man named Bob Avakian 

18 A former American president had a daily radio show named this that ran for four years, with each show being ninety seconds long 

19 The general secretary of the Lebanese Communist Party has this first name, which translates to “John” in English

21 This famous but mysterious German writer began his career as an adventure novelist after fleeing persecution for his anarchist activities

23 Underground French anarchists in Marseilles during WWII risked their lives to distribute a poster describing each European government as being an example of this

25 This ancestor of the Union Communiste Libertaire formed in the 1960s as a split from the Fédération Anarchiste

28 Members of this terrorist organisation murdered anti-fascist and socialist Blair Peach in 1979


1 Spanish anarchists were dismayed when they realised foreign anarcho-syndicalists did this, after speakers made points at meetings

5 The recently deceased chief of the Communist Party of the Philippines, which is currently waging a people’s war against the government, resided in this sleepy city

8 This famous Chinese novelist was also one of the main anarchist activists in his country for decades

9 Comprised mostly of migrants from the West Indies, this militant black self-defense organisation had 3000 members at its peak before dissolving into the early Communist Party of the USA

10 This man was the prime mover of the Marseilles group that put up the poster mentioned in 23 down 

11 The British section of the International Revolutionary Marxist Centre, also had George Orwell as a member

14 Miners of this mineral were the vanguard of the once-massive Bolivian Trotskyist movement

15 This family of delicious rice-stuffed vegetables is eaten all across the former Ottoman empire 

16 Desiree, Anna and Alice are all characters in Bakunin’s unpublished 1848 “Chapter from an ____ tale”

18 Bertrand Russell described this leftist as “exceedingly good-looking”, who would be “irresistible to women” and “an agreeable lover while his passion lasted”

20 Eight syndicalists in Britain were taken to court in the 1910s for publishing an article asking soldiers to avoid doing this

22 This American union organises workers in both the automotive and tertiary education industries

23 This man was the first person executed for treason in the history of the United States

24 This Marxist-Leninist leader oversaw the construction of roughly 750 000 cement bunkers dotted across his country

26 In the 1905 Russian revolution, this Marxist tried to help spur the collapse of the government by organising a run on St. Petersburg’s banks

27 This historically important social-democrat died during a pistol duel he instigated with the man his girlfriend left him for

29 In professional wrestling jargon, this term is the antonym of “face”

30 Known for their mediocre hit song “A Walk in the Light Green”, this Australian folk-rock band began as a university Maoist arts and culture project